I Believe In You 100%

All my programs were designed with you in mind. I’ll never sugar coat, lie, or beat around the bush. I’ll tell you everything exactly as I see it with 100% honesty. Some stuff you might like. Others you might not. And that’s o.k. with me.

To read all about my Inner Circle Membership, Click Here.

One thing's for sure: As long as you don't quit, you can't F*ck this up. Promise.


Let’s get one thing out of the way first, Jordan is absolutely amazing. And I mean like the total package: Knowledgeable, friendly, to the point, polite, motivational, reliable and the list goes on…

Working with him and going through his program has been an absolute delight. The programming was awesome in so many ways that I would let my Personal Records have to speak for themselves.

Thank you so much.


As a strength coach myself, I have specific criteria and a high standard when picking a coach to entrust my training, body and results to. They need to be well educated, spend time grinding under a bar, be an outstanding coach getting the most out of their clients, and most importantly, they need to constantly strive to improve their skill-set. Jordan is all of these things - educated and certified, a record-holding powerlifter himself, he gets excellent results with his clients and is pushing himself to be the best he can be on a daily basis.


Working with Jordan not only increased my performance but it made me unlock my true potential. His programming was individualized to my weak points. Even though it was tough, I put my trust in him and now I have no regrets. Not only did he optimize my form but while working with him I saw an amazing increase in strength. He guided me through my first powerlifting meet (in which I got first in my weight class) and even though he was miles away, he was always available when I needed his help.


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